Max Payne 2 - MATRIX MOD
[ · Скачать удаленно (39 мегабайт) ]03.08.2009, 10:23


О моде - Matrix Edition 

Последняя версия: v 2.00 

#- Bullettime is now limited but still theres a lot of it, 70 secs. 
#- Peak bullettime now lasts twice as long as before. 
#- Very slowmo when shootdodging. 
#- Added dual mp5ks and gave them and the single mp5k new firing sounds, now sounds silenced and cool! 
#- Added the minigun!!! And made it slightly more powerful!!! And made it fire a little faster!!!! And gave it a kickass firing sound!!!! 
#- Desert eagle, single and dual, have new firing sounds. They now sound like the desert eagle from the Matrix. 
#- Changed the weapon tags (the weapon names that appear in the bottom-right corner) to green with a matrix font, also changed the names themselves around a bit, for example H&K MP5K and Beretta 9mm. 
#- Beffed up grenade explosions and pressure waves a bit. 
#- Made Max and Mona's melee hits a bit more powerful. 

#- Max now wears a trenchcoat along with the purple waistcoat that Morpheus wears in reloaded and also my black shirt, which is in my wardrobe, honestly. 
#- Mona now always wears black. 
#- Both Max and Mona always wear black sunglasses. 

#- Menu sound is still Rob Zombie's 'Reload.' 
#- Bullettime music changed to Andy Hunter's 'Go.' 
#- Special 'reload fanfare' when Max reloads in peak bullettime. 
#- Bullets make a whoosh sound when fired from a close proximity. 
#- Menu click and rollover sounds changed. 

#- Universal fonts changed to a greener colour. 
#- New menu backgrounds 

Характеристики v1.1: 
Новые уровни: 
#- The Chateau, dead man walking map (by the Hunted). 
#- Две бонусных карты к dead man walking от Remedy. (Mona's Playground и Upper-East Side.) 

#- Более медленный bullettime. 
#- Бесконечное время в bullettime. 
#- Bullettime таймер становиться зелёным при убийстве врага. 

#- Увеличена мощьность всех оружий на 50%. 
#- Increased the penetrability of all the weapons. 
#- Changed some of the weapons and ammo pickup strings, I'll get round to changing the weapon select strings some time in the future. 

#- Заменина музыка в bullettime на Burly Brawl с саунд трека к фильму Matrix Reloaded. 
#- Заменина музыка в Главном Меню. 

#- Добавлен wave effect для всех оружий при стрельбе. 

#- Added a motion blur when in bullettime. 
#- Экран мелькает зелёным когда вы принемаете painkiller(аптечка). 
#- Добавлено много задних планов таких как в Главном Меню. 
#- Stopped the movie playing on startup and in the menu after no activity.

Категория: Модификации | Добавил: ]lNEOl[
Просмотров: 8852 | Загрузок: 1359 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 4.7/13
Всего комментариев: 1
  • 08.02.2010

    Виталий Спам

    Aggro_emote_4__Matrix_pistols_by_ixat Matrix_emoticon_II Matrix_Operator_by_Camikaze

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